Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why We Write?: Part 3

Don't sit on you ass and wait for something to inspire you. You've already got stuff to write about. It's all in your life. Every writer's work is subjective to his beliefs, even the articles that are supposed to be objective aren't. As I've mentioned previously, emotion is a great factor and it can be seen quite obviously in those journalistic articles.

Write what you know. Most importantly, write what you are passionate about. It has to come from the heart. At first don't worry about how many pesky adverbs you use, the awkward sentences, or redundancies. Just write your goddamn feelings already. If you prefer to think of it as a journal; so be it.

Once you've written about what's passionate, you will find more complexities in your characters. Things that aren't even in the story will become apparent to you. For instance, What's Joe's favorite band? Nirvana ofcourse.

Point is if you write what you know, your characters will not become types, but people that the readers can relate too. Readers need to interact with the story. They need to be metaphorically trapped in the scenes that take place. By creating this connection with relatable characters with the readers, you know you've got a good piece of work.

Christopher Tran"An Author of Twisted Fiction with a Hint of Darkness"Another Author's Blog - Christopher Tran - 25 - Male - KINGSVILLE, Ohio - Child Publishing -- a high quality literary magazine and ebook publisher

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