Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pet Sematary: More Excerpts

The Excerpt:

"Yuck!" She looked back at the blowdown and yelled: "You tore my pants, you cruddy trees!"

All three of the grownups laughed. The blowdown did not. It merely sat whitening in the sun as it had done for decades. To Louis it looked like the skeletal remains of some long dead monster, something slain by a parfait good and gentile knight, perchance. A dragon's bone, left here in a giant cairn.

My Comment:

Beautiful medieval imagery--But really, where is this going? Blah, blah, blah. . .murder your darlings--backspace. . .lol :)

Also, I believe it is the majority vote that we all have the knowledge that a pile of branches doesn't laugh. I understand poetic license and all that, but c'mon now.

Favorite excerpts so far:

. . .spend your whole life inspecting children's feet for hammertoe or putting on the thin latex gloves so you could grope along some woman's vaginal canal with one educated finger, feeling for bumps and lesions.

Although I have never seen the movie, or previously read the book (Barbie, my wife has and told me about it). The main character, Louis Creed is characterized as a logical person--having a good grip on the realities of situations. Eventually, this detiorates, and he loses his sense of the real world. Now, I like this because he is a general practitioner working at an infirmary--not a specialist. His daughter, Ellie, asks him why he won't be a specialist. I love the bluntness of this line.

. . .A dog got them and ripped them open instead of just chasing them like the bumbling, easily fooled dogs in the TV cartoons, or another tom got them, or a poisoned bait, or a passing car. Cats were the gangsters of the animal world, living outside the law and often dying there. There were a great many of them who never grew old by the fire.

Kudos to the King for this one. I love the metaphor of the cats being 'gangsters'. It paints quite a picture.

Christopher Tran

Just to Make Things Interesting for Me

Since I am fond of roses (I also have a tattoo of a rose on my left arm), I will give at the conclusion of the read roses. This is just because it entertains me.

One Rose
These are books that I did not like. I had to stop the urge from throwing this book from across the field into a tree shredder. Watching with glee, that this waste of a book is no more. . .LOL. I can't believe they published crap like this!

Two Roses
These are books where I had to take one of the rose's and turn it upside down, shoving it up my rectum. This is to distract from the attention of the agony my eyes suffered. Weak plot and character buildup. Readable, but all and all it disappointed me.

Three Roses
Would I recommend these books to somebody--nah, I rather just pick up another book and forget that book a couple days of later. It's a passable read with okay characters. None that really stood out to me. Okay plot, but it wasn't a real page turner for me.

Four Roses
I would recommend this book and buy it. Good book, I liked the plot. The pages were a turnin'. . .my mind couldn't let go of that 'what's going to happen next feeling'. Decent characters, and a book I would remember.

Five Roses
Definitely recommend this book and buy it. I love it! Plot's great! The character's were memorable. I'm going to definitely remember this piece of work.

Half a Dozen Roses
Exceptional baby. . .I LOVED IT. God. . .the climax in this book was just that--purely orgasmic!. . .LOL. I couldn't put this book down--had to keep on reading it. I would recommend this like a craze homeless guy ranting about the end of the world in Times Square.

Christopher Tran

Pet Sematary: Another Comment

Here's the excerpt:

Louis unshouldered Gage and pulled him out of the baby carrier so he could crawl. Louis's back sighed with relief.

In all my life, I have never seen back's 'sigh', have you?

Christopher Tran

Monday, April 28, 2008

Stephen King's Pet Sematary

I am enjoying the book by Stephen King. If by some chance Mr. King is reading this--it's not an insult to your talent. I guess I'm not like most, it's kind of fun for me to find bits and pieces that aren't quite right. For instance:


Crandell's cigarette glowed like a large, peaceable firefly in the summer darkness.

Now I'm all for simile's, but is it just me or is this silly? The man's smoking a freaking ciggy for christ sake. By the way I have never seen a peaceable firefly---have you? (I'm usually busy squishing them, so they fly around frantically. . . .LOL. . . .::rolls eyes:: just kidding) ;)

Christopher Tran

Comments on Pet Sematary

We went to the library today, and I got Pet Sematary. I will continue making comments from time to time on the book. I may be committing taboo by my comments about Stephen King, but aren't we all critics.?

This is from the first chapter:

"I think it's beautiful," Rachel said, and that was a huge weight off his chest---and off his mind. She wasn't kidding, he saw; it was in the way she was looking at it as they turned in the asphalted driveway that curved around to the shed in back, her eyes sweeping the blank windows, her mind already ticking away at such matters as curtains and oilcloth for the cupboards, and God knew what else.

First of all, this chapter is done in Louis's point of view. Stephen King did a little head hopping here. Might have saved himself by putting in "it was in the way she was looking. . . " I think if this is so, the editors found it. He added it, that is my guess.

Another thing: Can eyes sweep? I've never seen eyes sweep before. LOL

A broom I've seen sweep.

You know I guess eyes can sweep---if your eyes were on the floor, and I had to sweep you in a dustpan. Discarding your eyeball so that the flies can land on the piece of discarded tissue. Breeding their larvae, as now you become mother natures nest. . . .

Control yourself Chris---Shut up now. :)

Christopher Tran

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Four Flutes Baby

This is a review by Cocktail's Review for Tiffany's Twisted. I think it's an awesome! Happy reading.

Tiffany’s Twisted Wild Child Publishing « Cocktail Reviews

Christopher Tran

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What I've learned

For those of you that do not know me, I am the author of Tiffany's Twisted. I am a 25 year old novelist and have alot to learn about the craft. WCP taught me about writing, and an editor [who shall remain nameless, unless she wants to say who she is ;o)] helped me hone my writing skills. Remember, I am still learning and if this doesn't help anyone, at least it's good for a laugh.



Mary had a little lamb and she ate the lamb

Explanation: There are two independent clauses (or sentences) seperated by the conjunction (and), since the subjects are the same (she and Mary are the same person--unless some weird twilight stuff happens), you don't need a comma.


Mary had a little lamb, and she ate the lamb

'To be' verbs: am is are was were be being been has have had can could shall should may might must do did does will would

Rule: If you can get rid of them, please do.


Lita could have arrived at the store had she not been caught in traffic

Lita got caught in traffic and arrived late to the store.

POV-This is a real fun one!


The stalker's gaze followed Tara. He carried a knife in his hand. Creeping up to her--this would be his fourth victim. This revelation excited him. He felt a bulge in his pants as he inhaled her perfume. Tara realized somebody was following her, but the fear of turning around and facing her attacker was overwhelming. She trembled with fear. He could sense this terror as he grabbed her by her neck and with one swift motion slit her throat.

Stalker's POV

The stalker's gaze followed Tara. He carried a knife in his hand. Creeping up to her--this would be his fourth victim. This revelation excited him. He felt a bulge in his pants as he inhaled her perfume. The stalker scouted this apartment complex for a few days before deciding on this woman. Her name was Tara, and she lived alone--A perfect target. He applauded his stealthiness, moving closer to her. He grabbed her by the neck and with one swift motion slit her throat.

Tara's POV

It's been a long day. Tara worked overtime for four straight days and it showed by the way she trudged up the steps to her apartment. It used to be safer in this area. At the office today, a coworker informed her that there had been at least three stabbings around here--She'd better be careful. As she headed up the last flight of stairs, she felt leather closing around her throat and then the cold finality of steel.

Christopher Tran"An Author of Twisted Fiction with a Hint of Darkness"
Another Author's Blog
MySpace.com - Christopher Tran - 25 - Male - KINGSVILLE, Ohio - www.myspace.com/christran120
Wild Child Publishing -- a high quality literary magazine and ebook publisher.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring is here!

I know spring is supposed to start late March, but it didn't seem to here. However, for the past week, it's been gorgeous outside. Temperatures are up in the mid seventies, and I am happy I don't have to walk Dukatti in a foot of snow anymore.

I'm so happy spring is finally here everyone. Let's see if the weather continues like this.

Christopher Tran

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Get Your Copy Now

Hi Blogland,

I'd like to share with you my book. It's available at this link: Wild Child Publishing -- a high quality literary magazine and ebook publisher. . Read the book blurb and the excerpt. Buy the book, it's a good read. Spread the word, it's the best form of advertisement.

It's finally out!

Christopher Tran

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Word of Mouth Baby

That's right all you out there in Blogland. My book is available today. I am ecstactic about Tiffany's Twisted. I'm finally a published author baby! I got my foot through the door.

Check out the link: read they synopsis and the excerpt. If you like what you see tell your friends about it, tell people online about it, etc. Word of mouth is the best advertising.

Tiffany's Twisted

Christopher Tran

Monday, April 14, 2008

Tomorrow Tomorrow!

Tomorrow the book is available in ebook at www.wildchildpublishing.com, it's under the link for thrillers. I am ecstatic :)

I never got a chance to ask the readers of this blog to tell me a little about yourself. I'd like to know who's been out there on the web reading this page. Please check back, I try to post something each week.

If anyone has a news story that's bothering them and they feel they need to speak about it, please do. I'm not here to judge anyone for their opinions.

Christopher Tran

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Two More Days!

I can't wait, my novel is almost available. It's starting as an ebook, maybe in the near future Wild Child Publishing will release a print in trade paperback. In the meantime, check out the ebook. Here's the link:
Tiffany's Twisted

Christopher Tran

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Excerpt from Tiffany's Twisted

At one point, she’d considered her a guardian angel, protecting her from the improper advances of the man who sat next to her now. Funny how things turn out, eh?

They reached the ramp that led to the highway to Derrick’s place. Cass glanced in the passenger’s wing mirror. Was someone following them?

“I think someone’s following us,” she warned Derrick.

He looked at his rearview mirror and said, “So I’m not crazy then; you think that black truck is following us too?”

He hit the gas a little harder, and the BMW roared, blending into traffic. The black truck did the same, and Cass’s stomach flipped as she saw its headlights dazzle the wing mirror as it came out from the merging lane. The truck sped up, heading towards their car.

“You got to be f*cking kidding me,” Derrick said, his gaze flicking to the rearview mirror. “Not today, not this sh*t.”

Cass trembled as Derrick weaved into the left lane. The engine of the black truck roared as it inched its way closer, cutting in front of another driver, who honked his horn.

Derrick veered across two lanes and drove onto a bridge. The truck caught up quick, but a car in front of the BMW moved slower than Derrick.

“Goddamnit! Move already!” Derrick yelled.

He looked to his right. A heavy line of traffic prevented a merge. Cass sat trying to think of good things, eyes wide with anticipation. We’ll make it safely home…it won’t be long, and I can be in Derrick’s strong arms….

Metal touched metal. With an eardrum shattering screech, the black truck hit them hard on the rear passenger side. Derrick quickly let go of the gas, and the BMW spun out of control on the imaginary divider, veering into oncoming traffic.

Whiplash caused Cass to hit the back of her head on the seat. Disoriented, she heard the blare of a car horn and saw headlights coming toward her as a vehicle connected to the passenger side of the BMW. The force of the collision flung Cass’s head against the side window, and the car spun out as Derrick sat helpless to control his car.

Brakes screeched. The BMW stopped. Cass closed her eyes. Derrick opened the driver’s door and stepped out. He slammed the door shut before she mercifully allowed unconsciousness to claim her.

* * *

Livid, Derrick marched towards the black truck that had parked on the asphalt beside the bridge. He heard the driver from the oncoming car yell, “You okay?”
He ignored the driver. Furious, he focused on the black truck. Someone with a navy blue hoodie stepped out of the driver’s seat. He swung a crowbar, aiming for Derrick’s head, but missed. Derrick ducked, his action denying him a good look at the guy’s face.

Instinctively, Derrick rushed forward, backing the guy against the truck.

“What’s your damn problem?” Derrick said.

Hoodie wouldn’t quit struggling. He arced the crowbar down onto the top of Derrick’s head. Hoodie grabbed Derrick’s head and slammed it hard against the side of the truck. Derrick stumbled towards the ledge of the bridge, suddenly turning around so that his back wouldn’t face his enemy. Hoodie stalked forward and struck the crowbar across Derrick’s chest. Off balance, Derrick tried to grip the ledge but failed.

The sensation of freefalling assaulted him before his body slapped shockingly hard against the surface of the river. Instant submergence grasped his body, the murky water entering his ears, his nose, his mouth, his lungs….

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Release Date

Mark your calenders, Tiffany's Twisted will be released Tuesday, April 15th. Until then Happy Reading!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008