Friday, May 16, 2008

Why We Write?

Writers plunk away at their keyboards. They hack through fifty-thousand to a hundred thousand words--Are we a glutton for punishment? Night and day, attempting to fight the dreaded excuse we call 'writer's block.' Eventually, we finally let out a sigh of joy--the manuscript is done--and revised. We're ready to go find an agent or publisher to sell our work. Most likely, it will be rejected. However, we build a tough skin with every letter that says 'I'm not the right person to represent your material.' Although, it may get us down, we again rise up and finally persistence pays off.

Is it really for the money? I'm not going to bullsh*t you--Everyone would like some extra money around--buying a mansion--That would be quite the life, but it's not the reason we write. Whether through non-fiction or fiction, we write because we are inspired to draw readers deep within our hearts. Our fears and hopes are hidden behind everything we put on paper--We can only write what we know. I realize that their are sci-fi and fantasy writers, but every character in the book has true emotions.

Emotion is the key to connect to the audience. It makes them laugh and cry. Even a well thought out villian has something the readers can relate too--the I feel sorry for him/her factor. This connection to the audience is created by character interaction--showing how they relate to one another.

The plot is what drives the book forward. It makes the reader want to turn the page. I compare it to a ploy that keeps your audience anticipating the conclusion of the book. The plot can be a beautiful thing with its twists and turns throughout the story. It keeps the reader going 'wow.'

Your style is the diction you choose to use. Style should be written based on the characters in your book. If it's a western, you are going to have different kind of dialogue and exposition, than if you are writing for young adults.

I believe that emotions are formed through complex characters, plots, and styles and that makes up your unique voice. That is why we write--to share our voice via words. I love to write and will never stop writing. If for some reason my hands get chopped off--I'll buy those talk-typing programs.

I hope their are others of you that can agree with me that if you don't write, you'd go nuts. The 'voice' (not the schizoprenic type) keeps beckoning you to continue the tale. If you aren't writing, you are probably at the supermarket in the produce aisle thinking about the next scene to you novel.

We write to inspire, or to speak our message through the themes in our stories. The theme often ties into our own lives. In every tale their is a part of the author's life--and since I plan on living, I'll keep on writing.

Christopher Tran"An Author of Twisted Fiction with a Hint of Darkness"Another Author's Blog - Christopher Tran - 25 - Male - KINGSVILLE, Ohio - Child Publishing -- a high quality literary magazine and ebook publisher.

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